
DS10 Reykjavik

DS10 Reykjavik Agenda

Sustainable Mobility in the Next Decade
Implementing and Financing the Imminent System Change

The Driving Sustainability experience is designed to foster ambitious plans, realistic solutions and sustainable projects in mobility.  Delegates from around the world come to be inspired, share ideas and create alliances.





Future Mobility

Green Vehicles


Energy & Mobility

Funding of Change


New Ideas


Each day’s agenda builds on the following assumptions:


Urban mobility will have changed drastically in 2050.  The coming transformation of cities will be led by bold visionaries, smart city planners and companies on the cutting edge of technology.  Cities depend on their ingenuity and success.

In the next ten years, increasing environmental pressures and public demand for clean, pollution free cities will lead to increased pace in the commercialization of new disruptive mobility solutions.


Green energy will play a vital part in the transformation of mobility.  Alternative fuels and electricity from renewable sources will gradually replace oil.  Some of the greatest challenges ahead lie in distribution and standardization of systems.

The transition from oil demands the introduction of new ideas and implementation of projects that help cities change.  There are funds available for those who want to participate in this exciting opportunity.


SME’s and entrepreneurs that want to make a difference need allies.  By joining other companies and organizations in projects through multinational consortiums, they can become parts of bigger solutions. 

In the future, the business of mobility may become dominated by multinational companies that begun as project alliances! 

Thursday, September 16th 2010

Location: Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel

08:30 Coffee and Registration
09:00 Welcome Pétur A. Haraldsson, Executive Chairman of FTO
Rohit Talwar, Conference Chairman of DS10
09:10 Opening Address Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland and Patron of Driving Sustainability
09:30 Host City Welcome Gísli Marteinn Baldursson, Member of Reykjavík City Council and the Environment & Transport Committee
09:45 Keynote Chris Bangle, Former Chief of Design, BMW
“Personal Emotional Mobility in 2050”
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Future Mobility Katarina Pelin, Director of Environment, City of Malmö
“Malmo Responding to Change and Setting The Pace”
11:15 Future Mobility Reynir Jónsson, CEO of Strætó, Greater-Reykjavík PTA/PTO
“The Role of Mass Transport in Future Mobility”
11:45 Green Vehicles Egil Mollestad, CTO, Think Global
“Electric Vehicles for City Driving - Today and in the Future: The Current THINK City And What To Expect For The Years To Come”
12:15 Lunch Networking and Test Driving of Green Vehicles
13:15 Green Vehicles Michel Gardel, Vice-President External Affairs & Environmental Affairs, Toyota Motor Europe
13:45 Green Vehicles Cristiano Carlutti, Vice President of European Sales and Operations, Tesla Motors
14:15 Green Vehicles Jim Motavalli, Environmental Writer and Speaker
“Introduction of the X PRIZE”
14:30 Green Vehicles Live broadcast of the $10 Million Automotive X PRIZE Winner, Comments by Jim Motavalli
15:15 Idea Competition 3 Ideas in 3 Minutes; New Mobility Projects
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Panel & Discussion Transformation of Technologies; Benefits and Challenges Including Sneak Preview of ”The Revenge of the Electric Car”
Chris Paine, Film Director Joins Panel via SKYPE from California
16:30 Closing Remarks Rohit Talwar
16:35 Networking Cocktail Reception for delegates and speakers by invitation of SI-The Federation of Icelandic Industries and SA-Confederation of Icelandic Employers
19:30 Delegate's Dinner* Nauthóll Restaurant
*Separate Registration

Friday, September 17th 2010

Location: Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel

08:30 Coffee
09:00 Welcome Pétur A. Haraldsson, Executive Chairman of FTO
09:05 Clean Transport & Policy Katrín Júlíusdóttir, Iceland Minister of Industry
09:20 Keynote Rohit Talwar, CEO, FastFuture
“The Mobility Timeline”
10:00 Future Mobility Ari Kristinn Jónsson, Rector-President of Reykjavik University
“The Ultimate Sustainability – NASA and Mobility on Mars”
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Green Energy/Mobility Hiroaki Takatsu, Executive Director, Tokyo Electric Power Company / Chademo Association
“The Standardization of Electric Mobility”
11:15 Green Energy/Mobility Ichiro Fukue, Senior Executive VP, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan
"Proposal for Sustainable Society in Iceland": Capabilities and Projects in Iceland and Internationally in the Field of Sustainable Transport
11:45 Green Energy/Mobility Magnús Bjarnason, Executive VP Marketing & Corporate Development, Landsvirkjun
“Green Energy, The Role of the National Power Company in Renewable Energy Production”
12:15 Standing Lunch Networking and Test Driving of Green Vehicles
13:30 Project Funding Paolo Salvatore, Ciaotech, Italy Representing SMART
“How SMART Can Assist SME’s and Make a Difference”
13:50 Project Funding Amund Vik, Nordic Energy Research, Norden
“An Announcement of a New Investment/Grant Program”
14:10 Project Funding Eyþór Jónsson, CEO Klak and Seed Forum
“How to Generate Interest from Investors in Future Mobility”
14:30 Idea Competition 3 Ideas in 3 Minutes; New Mobility Projects
14:45 Coffee Break
15:00 Panel & Discussion The Next Decade: How Much will Change? Who will Invest?
15:45 Conclusions Rohit Talwar
16:00 End of Day Two
16:30 Field trip to Heillisheiði Geothermal Power Station hosted by Reykjavik Energy (2 hrs)

Saturday, September 18th 2010

Location: Ofanleiti 2, 103 Reykjavik (“O2”)

In cooperation with SMART Consortium (free admission)

09:00 Coffee and Registration
09:30 Welcome by Host Pétur A. Haraldsson, SMART Consortium
09:35 Presentation of Program Eyþór Jónsson, CEO of Klak and Seed Forum
09:45 DS10 Recap & Conclusions Rohit Talwar, DS10 Conference Chairman
DS10 Recap and Timeline
10:00 Project Ideas Presentation of 6 Winner Pitches for Projects
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Project Funding Introduction of New Funding Programs at NORDEN
11:35 Project Funding Introduction of RANNIS Grants and Tax Breaks
11:55 Project Funding Introduction of SMART Services
Followed by Q&A and assistance with Registration, Project Proposals and EC Program Matching
12:30 Standing Lunch
13:30 Project Ideas SMART Evaluation of 6 Winner Pitches
13:45 "Speed Dating" "Speed-Dating" Between Entrepreneurs/SME’s, Grant Specialists and Financiers, Organized by SMART and KLAK
14:45 Coffee Break
15:00 Panel Discussion Grants, VC, Seed; What’s Hot and What’s Not in Mobility
15:45 Auction Electric Car Use, Formula Car Test, etc.
16:15 Closing Remarks Eyþór Jónsson, CEO of Klak and Seed Forum
16:30 Cocktail Reception Opening of Klak - Technology Center at O2

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